After nearly two years of research and writing, my book Creative Intelligence is officially launched today. I believe the book contains specific things people can do today and tomorrow to help them reduce their Creativity Anxiety and to build up their Creative Capacities. It provides specific ways businesses can become more innovative tomorrow.
Thanks to all of you who preordered the book. Creative Intelligence is already trending strongly on Amazon.
It’s trending # 5 on Amazon in the category of Creativity and Genius for ebooks.
And # 5 for Cognitive Science in ebooks.
Creative Intelligence is trending # 18 on Amazon in Business Decision-Making and Problem-Solving for hardcover books.
Tuesday, March 5, is the official launch date of my book, Creative Intelligence. Those of you who preordered the book should get it in the mail on Tuesday. I preordered a book for my mom in Florida. And the ebook, of course, should be available as well. I’m getting one of those too, of course,
Thanks everyone for the early support. Amplifying our creativity is so important in this era of VUCA– Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos and Ambiguity. The book contains stories, skills, ideas on leading a creative life and management lessons to build more creative businesses.
Spread the word please.