On Thursday at around 4PM, I’ll be talking to the designers at Frog in their great Chelsea digs about the ideas in my book, Creative Intelligence. It will be cool since the founder of Frog, Hartmut Esslinger, was the first designer I put on a Business Week cover back in 1990. I can’t find an image of that cover anywhere. There’s Hartmut, fresh from giving Apple its first design language, in leathers, straddling a big motorcycle. Readers loved it.
I hear there’s an image this cover hanging on the wall of Frog in San Francisco. If so, send it to me. I’ll put it up.
I’ll be talking “Old Model” vs “New Model” at Frog, throwing out my new creative competencies of Knowledge Mining, Framing, Playing, Making and Pivoting to the pros to see how their clients can use the new ideas. Very casual and fun. I have a weird Keynote presentation that I may or may not show, depending on the vibe. It has clip of Zero Dark Thirty, which shows how the CIA analyst, Maya, used Creative Intelligence to get Osama.
Did you know that the CIA has long been involved in creativity research?
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062088424?ie=UTF8%20&tag=harpercollinsus-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0062088424
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/creative-intelligence-bruce-nussbaum/1112757030?ean=9780062088420&cm_mmc=AFFILIATES-_-Linkshare-_-MdXm68JZJz8-_-10%3a1&r=1&
“On a cold winter night at a safe house in Manhattan some- where near Bloomingdale’s, CIA Director William Casey told me about the CIA’s methods for recruiting spies in World War II. It was 1983, and I had received a call the week before from a woman claiming to be the assistant to William Casey, the chief of the CIA. Thinking it was a joke by a friend, I laughed and laughed, until Casey cut in with “Hiya, Bruce….”
Thus begins a section in Chapter 2, The Search for the Secrets of Creativity, that takes us from the OSS in World War 11 through Csikzentmihalyi’s work on social flow in Florence, Design Thinking, VUCA and the Five Competencies of Creative Intelligence.
Check it out
And you can preorder at–